Learn SLQ | academy.vertabelo.com
How to learn SQL? Well, when I ask around my pals, who graduated from tech univerisites with IT diplomas, or the like, all of them say pretty much the same thing...
2018-07-01, 04:43

What do they say?

That it's not about what the so called they teach you, but what you are doing yourself - and this is the most profitabl thing for your own development.

if U wish to learn SQL, remember the logo

And this, naive in terms of being spontaenouos and without additional reflection added on top of that, remark leads to a hands on philosophy. It applies also to a methodology of how to learn SQL.

Learn SQL with an effective approach

It's an approach according to which learning is effective in its most only by doing. And that's what has been foundational for the offer of online Vertabelo Academy. We thought it's really about the quality of the resources that wee can create a really good school, in which to learn SQL will be a fun activity, giving a clear feeling of making an actual progress.

It's the problem solving that lies at the very heart of learning conceived this way. So, if you want to see thhow this works up close, click the link: academy.vertabelo.com/blog/18-best-online-resources-for-learning-sql-and-database-concepts/

learn this SQL like a pro, there

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